Friday, 30 January 2015

And even more pushy Editors.

"Great Scott man, is that book on the Arctic ready yet?"

"This chap Darwin, if it's only a theory can't he sort it out before we publish?"

"Well that's great your Royal Highness, yes we can call it The Bible and name it after you but shouldn't you be running the country? Anyway, the cheques in the post Jim."

More pushy Editors.

I don't care if you live in a Bleak House, where the Dickens is the manuscript?"

"Are you kidding Mantel, the Wolf Hallf-ate your manuscript AGAIN?"

"You left the manuscript at Wildfell Hall in an Austen Allegro?"

Pushy Editors over the ages.

"Fleming hell Ian, you're late again. Just write the book, don't Bond with the character."

"I want that fable on my desk Aesop!"

"Oh great Gatsby, they'll think that's the name of the author."

"Yeah, yeah Melville, you obviously had a whale of a time writing it but where's the book?"